viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

UK's royal baby

Prince George birth, cheered with no exception by british media, has become without a doubt current week’s informative star. This post deals on some aspects around him: his family background, his joyous first public appearance and, of course, his future, not a trivial matter for European monarchies.

Much has been written on what the crown’s heir will find in his kingdom when he becomes an adult. Big differences show up when you linger on European royal families. People in Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden have specific characteristics; consequently, they have different opinions on their royals. Even though resilience at European monarchies has been proven, they are not immune. Recent scandals concerning tax evasion, influence on politics and corruption at Belgium, UK and Spain merge with social suspicion on politicians, decreasing people’s opinion on their leaders. Back on the british heir, given the fact that his father recently reached 31, he would become king in fifty years time, or even more. Many things can happen in such a long period of time.

British monarchy seems, at the same time, modern and old-fashioned. As in many others countries across Europe, marriage with a middle class partner has proven to be a good measure to increase royals popularity. In fact, Prince George will spend his first weeks, not in a royal palace, but at the Middleton’s manor house at Berkshire, as Kensington Palace is going to be remodelled. Very far from tradition, indeed. Prince George's royal ancestors were kept -and educated- at royal facilities for a long period of their lives.

Nevertheless, tradition is still very important. Queen Elizabeth must have played a decisive role in electing her third great grandson’s name, George. The Queen’s father and grandfather, both reigned with the name George. Some other details, i.e. the classic way in which the announcement was made to the world –the easel placed in front of Buckingham Palace- give an idea on how important tradition is still for British monarchy. Furthermore, the Queen, probably not willing to visit her great grandson at a private house, went to know the royal baby at Kensington. Then she departed to Balmoral, where she spends summers, whereas the Cambridges did the same towards Bucklebury, Middleton’s residence, as works are to be held at Kensington.

As a conclusion, tradition is still very present at the british royal family. May George change things in future or not, time will say.